Read: FOL Newsletter, October 1995

In light of the current controversy surrounding legions of young female fans “flooding” San Diego Comic Con, I thought the “Note From The Editor” of this Oct. 1995 issue was particularly ironic. It concerned “The Plight of the Drag-alongs” (referring to non-comic reading girlfriends or wives who are “dragged along” to comic cons):

“The comics industry must recognize the potential of  the drag-alongs. Comic cons, with a few notable exceptions, aren’t comic book shows; they’re “superhero shows.” Nothing against superheroes, but why shouldn’t the biggest marketing events in the industry target other, wider audiences?”

We’ve come a long way, baby (though, I think, we still have a bit more to go).

Deni Loubert continues her series on “Self-Marketing in the Comics Market” with some great advice on doing comic store appearances:

“…be sure you bring extra copies of your books (you can set this up with your distributor) when you arrive for your signing. Some stores are great about remembering to order enough books, and some aren’t. Don’t assume the store took care of this. It’s hard to drum up enthusiasm if there aren’t enough books for you to sign.”

Finally, there’s an interesting entry in “Lulu’s Diary”:

“The creators of Ash #5 list among their favorite things to do at comic cons ‘Hitting on Friends of Lulu.’ Gee, fellas, we didn’t know you cared…”

One response to “Read: FOL Newsletter, October 1995

  1. Instead of “drag-alongs”, I prefer the term “innocents”. (As in “Seduction of the…”)

    And, to be fair, in 1995, most of graphic novel and comics publishing was of the superhero genre. ‘t’weren’t no Tokyopop. Pokemon wasn’t here yet (the seizures took place in 1997). Most publishers (Image, Fantagraphics, Slave Labor) didn’t participate in the returnable bookstore market, and most mainstream publishers didn’t publish graphic novels.

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